Healing Vacation Archives | Natural Women's Health Institute https://naturalwomenshealthinstitute.com/category/healing-vacation/ Dr. Caroline Peterson Fri, 16 Jun 2023 23:24:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 What Expectations Should I Have For Care? https://naturalwomenshealthinstitute.com/2023/07/07/what-expectations-should-i-have-for-care/ https://naturalwomenshealthinstitute.com/2023/07/07/what-expectations-should-i-have-for-care/#respond Fri, 07 Jul 2023 22:55:00 +0000 https://naturalwomenshealthinstitute.com/?p=3541 It is important that you come to care with right-sized expectations. Let me begin by saying I am not a magician. You have had health care problems for years, or decades, and have sought help from many people. You are disappointed and frustrated because you have tried very hard for a very long time [...]

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It is important that you come to care with right-sized expectations.

Let me begin by saying I am not a magician.

You have had health care problems for years, or decades, and have sought help from many people.

You are disappointed and frustrated because you have tried very hard for a very long time to find health.

This health history shows me two things:

1) You are valient

2) You have a complex case that does not respond well to traditional intervention.

I want to help you, but also, I see that because you are a complex case, it will take time to work you up and figure out what is going on.

You probably have multiple systems involved and multiple conditions.

We can figure this out, but it will take more than 1 day.

With complex cases like yours, we need to have a global approach.

Generally complex cases take 20 hours of manual therapy and 5 hours of internal medicine.

If we go too fast, you could have a healing crisis called a herxheimer reaction or “herxing”.

That means you have exceeded your metabolic capacity and your detoxification system’s competence for removing toxins.

A herxing response does not mean the treatment is bad.

It means the treatment is going too fast for your body, or that your body needs additional support.

Be patient with yourself as you heal.

We can go at a speed that is right for you and your body.

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How to Prepare for Your Healing Vacation or Treatment Series https://naturalwomenshealthinstitute.com/2023/06/30/how-to-prepare-for-your-healing-vacation-or-treatment-series/ https://naturalwomenshealthinstitute.com/2023/06/30/how-to-prepare-for-your-healing-vacation-or-treatment-series/#respond Fri, 30 Jun 2023 01:58:17 +0000 https://naturalwomenshealthinstitute.com/?p=3536 When you are planning your Healing Vacation in Sarasota, Florida with Dr. Caroline Peterson, or prepare for your healing series locally, there are several things you can do at home to help optimize your treatment. You could be coming to Florida for a Healing Vacation, or beginning your local healing series, for many different [...]

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When you are planning your Healing Vacation in Sarasota, Florida with Dr. Caroline Peterson, or prepare for your healing series locally, there are several things you can do at home to help optimize your treatment. You could be coming to Florida for a Healing Vacation, or beginning your local healing series, for many different conditions including:

  • Chronic Pelvic Pain and Pelvic Congestion
  • Postpartum Renewal
  • Varicosities
  • Digestion Problems
  • Infertility
  • Period Problems or a Difficult Menopause
  • Chronic Back or Neck Pain and Headaches
  • Prolapse or Incontinence
  • Preparation Before Surgery or Manual Therapy After Surgery

These conditions each require about 20 hours of manual hands-on therapy to treat. You will also need about one hour of health history, and about two hours for discussing exercise, posture, movement patterns, diet, and lifestyle factors.

If you have time and interest, you can begin some essential self-care components at home one month before your Healing Vacation. If you are able to address kidney/lymph detox, inflammation, adhesions, and breath (at a minimum) prior to coming, your treatment sessions should move forward with few side effects. Here is the full list of things to address prior to coming, if possible.

Because my approach is strongly based in the fluid body, it is important that the detox systems of the fluid body are prepared to receive the extra flow. I recommend Kidney Care by Quicksilver Scientific. Available through Fullscript at a 10% discount. (Link at the bottom of the page https://naturalwomenshealthinstitute.com/)


People who are highly inflamed have difficulty tolerating manual therapy. That is because all manual therapy, no matter how gentle, destroys cells. Cellular debris is always inflammatory and requires more of the detox systems of the body. The most common cause of inflammation is consumption of refined carbohydrates (like bread, cookies, and crackers. Even gluten free) including sugar.

  • Eliminate or reduce refined carbohydrates and sugar
  • Eliminate or reduce alcohol, tobacco, pot/vaping, other drugs
  • Consider a natural anti-inflammatory supplement like D-Flam by Protocol for Life Balance. Available through Fullscript at a 10% discount. (Link at the bottom of the page https://naturalwomenshealthinstitute.com/


Adhesions are another way of saying scar tissue. Adhesions nail organs and tissue in place and create pain and dysfunction. Adhesions are commonly caused by inflammation, surgery, and congestion among other things. Castor oil packs are a terrific way to dissolve adhesions and release tissue so manual therapy is easier. You can buy pre-made castor oil packs online, or make your own. I recommend using castor oil packs for two hours at a time in one location, two days in a row, then take a day off. You will need an electric heating pad to drive the castor oil into the tissue. https://naturalwomenshealthinstitute.com/2018/04/13/castor-oil-pack/

Where to use the castor oil packs in preparation:

  • Upper back across shoulders where the neck meets the back. This area is very important because the whole body drains here.
  • Bra line and lower ribcage of back. This area is very important because it is a lymphatic watershed, the home of the liver and kidneys, and the location of the respiratory diaphragm.
  • Belly button up to chest (covering lower ribcage). This area is very important because the liver, part of GI tract, and respiratory diaphragm are here and everything from the belly, pelvis, and legs drains up through this region.
  • Belly button to the pubic bone in the front of the pelvis. This are is very important because the large intestines, uterus, bladder, and rectum are here and everything drains out of the pelvis and legs through this area.

Venous Support

If you have varicose veins, pelvic congestion syndrome, or other evidence of venous issues (like pain worsens with standing or walking) it would be beneficial to support the veins with herbs before coming for your healing vacation.

Liver Detox Support

Because your body’s elimination systems will be required to work harder with manual therapy, it’s not a bad idea to support the liver.


If you have any kind of digestive issue, consider doing the Whole 30 before you come. The Whole 30 is a good way to temporarily restrict all the top food allergins and sensitivities as well as sugar. The Whole 30 decreases inflammation, potentially kills yeast and bacterial gut overgrowth, and gives you an idea of which foods you are sensitive to when you add each food in one at a time looking for reactions.

Lymphatic Drainage

It is important to start getting the lymph moving through the upper chest and upper back since the whole body drains here. One simple way of supporting this process is to end each shower with cold water. After your shower, turn off the hot water and let the cold water run over your head, over your upper back, turn and let it run into your armpit, turn and let it run over your chest, turn and let it run over your other armpit, turn and let it run over your head and repeat it all again. You are finished when you feel your head clear and your feel light and happy. This is the short-cut version of a deep lymph hydrotherapy that you can find here. It is a lot more dramatic, and you need to follow these deep lymph hydrotherapy instructions carefully and expect a dramatic response.


Proper physiologic breathing is necessary for correct muscle and diaphragm (transverse plane) activation, along with correct drainage patterns. I have found one of the best ways to teach correct physiologic breathing is by using the resistance breathing pipe to retrain your body. https://naturalwomenshealthinstitute.com/2023/06/02/how-to-do-resistance-breathing-and-why/

  • Consider getting a resistance breathing pipe and practicing physiologic breathing 5 minutes a day before you come for your Healing Vacation

Muscle Activation

Many chronic issues (especially pelvic issues) are exacerbated by improper firing of postural muscles and the diaphragms (transverse planes) of the body. Begin practicing these principles at home before your Healing Vacation

  • When you talk, laugh, cough, sneeze or lift the respiratory diaphragm and pelvic floor diaphragm should lift, and the core muscles should engage and move toward the spine.
  • Notice if your tummy pooches out with any of those activities, or if your pelvic floor releases and lowers.
  • If your muscles and pelvic floor is not engaging properly use your mind to activate the core and the pelvic floor right before you push out air through talking, laughing, sneezing, coughing, or exerting. Feel the tummy come toward your spine and your pelvic floor lift. If you can’t actually feel them move at first, keep trying. Everything starts with the mind.

The post How to Prepare for Your Healing Vacation or Treatment Series appeared first on Natural Women's Health Institute.

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Your Healing Vacation For Incontinence & Prolapse https://naturalwomenshealthinstitute.com/2023/06/09/your-healing-vacation-for-incontinence-prolapse/ https://naturalwomenshealthinstitute.com/2023/06/09/your-healing-vacation-for-incontinence-prolapse/#respond Fri, 09 Jun 2023 13:39:07 +0000 https://naturalwomenshealthinstitute.com/?p=3418 Pelvic Pain & Dysfunction Healing Vacation Come to beautiful Sarasota, Florida for 20 hours of manual hands-on therapy for pelvic dysfunction. Dr. Caroline Peterson can help you if you have chronic pelvic pain, prolapse, incontinence, varicosities, or other pelvic issues. She uses visceral/vascular manipulation, lymphatic drainage, myofascial adhesion release, pelvic [...]

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Pelvic Pain & Dysfunction Healing Vacation

Come to beautiful Sarasota, Florida for 20 hours of manual hands-on therapy for pelvic dysfunction. Dr. Caroline Peterson can help you if you have chronic pelvic pain, prolapse, incontinence, varicosities, or other pelvic issues.

She uses visceral/vascular manipulation, lymphatic drainage, myofascial adhesion release, pelvic floor therapy, holistic pelvic care, craniosacral therapy, chiropractic, exercise, breathing exercise, energy work, and neuroemotional technique to help you heal.

The post Your Healing Vacation For Incontinence & Prolapse appeared first on Natural Women's Health Institute.

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