What Are the Glymphatics and How to Care for Your Brain
The glymphatic system is the lymphatic system of the brain. It cleans your brain primarily at night and is essential for preserving brain function.
(941) 726-5679 | dr****************@gm***.com | Sarasota, FL
The glymphatic system is the lymphatic system of the brain. It cleans your brain primarily at night and is essential for preserving brain function.
Today's Mantra Is: "The Revolution Is Within. I am willing to be the revolution" The revolution doesn't mean changing others or even changing society. There is nothing to fight against. There is nothing to fight for. By becoming the change and living the love we are changed, and as a result the world is changed. [...]
Today's Mantra Is: "It is not my job to change the world. It is my job to change myself as I am in the world" By becoming more loving and tolerant people we change the world.
Today's mantra is: "I am willing to see the world as it is, not as I want it to be" Seeing the world as it is allows us to live in reality. Seeing the world as we want it to be creates the perception of separation - which is non-reality. Every time you find yourself [...]
What Is Histamine? Histamine is a neurotransmitter that is made out of the amino acid called histadine. It affects many processes in the body including Autonomic function Energy/Arousal/Sleep Digestion Body Temperature Cognition Immune system Histamine Has 5 Receptors H1 =Airways, blood vessels, skin, heart etc H2 =Gastric mucosa H3 = Central nervous system [...]
What Is Manual Muscle Testing? Manual muscle testing is a type of functional neurology that checks to see what idea or things are distracting for the brain. Your brain has an idea about how everything inside your body should work, and about how everything outside your body should work. If something doesn't meet [...]
What Is Adenomyosis? Adenomyosis is endometriosis of the uterus. It occurs when the endometrial glands grow into the myometrium in addition to being in the endometrium. Adenomyosis is a type of chronic pelvic pain. Who Gets Adenomyosis People used to think that only women in their 40s and 50s who had already had [...]
What Is Pudendal Neuralgia? Pudendal neuralgia is pain experienced in the pelvic floor or external genitalia that is caused by microtrauma to the pudendal nerve. Pudendal neuralgia is worse with sitting, and better with standing, laying down, or sitting on the toilet. Why Do Some People Have Pudendal Neuralgia? Trauma to the pudendal [...]
What Is Pelvic Congestion Syndrome? Pelvic congestion syndrome occurs when the veins that are supposed to drain the pelvis cannot do their job adequately. The vein that most commonly has problems is the left ovarian or testicular vein. Women or men can experience this syndrome and is characterized by Pelvic pain of >6 [...]
Today we had two questions for the Archangel Michael. The first was "Why is forgiveness so hard?". The second was "Why am I always separated from the people I love?" We learned from Spirit that the reason forgiveness feels so hard is because as a species we are hard-wired for fear. And fear creates [...]