Craniosacral Therapy is a Deep Reset

What is Craniosacral Therapy?

Craniosacral therapy is an osteopathic technique that is now used widely by a variety of manual medicine practitioners. It addresses the dural component of a problem.

The dura is a layer of the meninges – the bag that holds the spinal cord and the brain.

The dura attaches in the skull, the upper neck, and the bottom of the spine at the sacrum.

If the dura is pulling, we can experience pain or dysfunction anywhere in our body, and commonly in the head/neck area.

Craniosacral Therapy also treats the fascial infrastructure of the skull like the tentorium and the falx cerebri.

Cerebral spinal fluid cushions the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) and is contained by the meninges.

Cerebral spinal fluid is produced in the head and passes through a variety of ventricles (kind of like pools) as it circulates in the head and goes down the spinal cord all the way to the sacrum and then back up.

All these structures are treated by craniosacral therapy.

What Does Craniosacral Therapy Help With?

Craniosacral Therapy can help with many conditions such as

  • Headaches
  • Head fullness
  • Dizziness
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Jaw problems like TMD – Temporal Mandibular Dysfunction – (often called TMJ)
  • Crooked Head
  • Neck pain
  • Problems Swallowing

How to Prepare

You will be asked to take off your glasses

Since your hair will be touched, and you will be asked to remove barrettes and bands.

What to Expect

You will lay on your back on a treatment table.

Dr. Caroline Peterson will listen to your head with her hands and your head will tell her hands what to do.

Dr. Caroline Peterson has been trained in many forms of cranial therapy including the Upledger Technique, Sacro Occipital Technique, and Craniopathy. She has also been mentored by other chiropractors who have taught her their styles of doing cranial therapy.

Many patients are only familiar with the very light touch unwinding form of The Upledger Technique of craniosacral therapy.

Because I have been trained in many techniques of cranial therapy, I will draw from them all as appropriate.

I follow the lead of your body informed by my clinical discernment to determine the amount of pressure and direction applied to your head.

Sometimes I will apply a light touch, sometimes a deeper touch, and sometimes work off the body.

If the unwinding pauses or is taking too long, I scan the body for what is holding up the process.

When I see the block, I will go to that area and address that so the treatment is as time-efficient and effective as possible.

Sometimes the block is fascial, sometimes fluid, sometimes emotional, sometimes energetic.

I will switch between many types of therapy as the need of the body changes.

Each treatment is unique.

Craniosacral Therapy is an Important Component of Total Being Healing