Try Conservative Abdominal Manual Hands-On Therapy First

You Might Be Able to

Avoid Elective Exploratory Abdominal Surgery

What is Exploratory Abdominal Surgery (Laparotomy)?

Exploratory abdominal surgery is major surgery.

It involves going under general anesthesia and having your abdomen opened so the doctors can see all your organs.

Sometimes exploratory abdominal surgery can be done laproscopically.

Most exploratory abdominal surgery is for trauma and emergency medicine.

Why do People get Exploratory Abdominal Surgery?

People get exploratory abdominal surgery if their doctors cannot figure out why they have pain or dysfunction based on imaging, labs, and other tests.

Can Manual Hands-On Therapy Help Me Avoid Exploratory Abdominal Surgery?

Many times when biomedicine cannot figure out what is wrong with someone, natural manual hands-on therapy can identify the underlying problem.

That is because we use a different lens to look at your body.

We often see people who are not a good fit for the biomedical diagnostic system.

Functional medicine does not look for pathology.

Functional medicine only needs thing to be outside of the ideal to be able to offer help.

Manual hands-on therapy is a specific way to evaluate and treat your body to help bring harmony and relieve pain.

Manual hands-on therapy will draw from visceral/vascular manipulation, lymphatic drainage, pelvic floor therapy, craniosacral therapy, and chiropractic adjustments to provide the care your body needs.

Many times adhesions are the reason for chronic abdominal pain that is not responsive to standard biomedical intervention.

You will need approximately 20 hours of manual hands-on therapy to treat your abdominal pain.