Life-Changing Neuroemotional Technique (NET)

Neuroemotional technique changes lives by reprogramming the nervous system so you can let go of old traumas

that subconsciously motivate current thoughts and behavior.

What is NET?

Neuroemotional Technique (NET) is a mind-body therapy that combines aspects of behavioral psychology, 5-element Chinese medicine, and the chiropractic adjustment to help desensitize your body to old trauma scripts and antiquated ideas about who we are, and the way the world runs.

How Does NET Work?

Behavioral psychology teaches us that our current feelings and behavior are largely motivated by experiences earlier in our lives.

Neuroemotional Technique attempts to identify the original triggering experience that is associated with current discomfort so we can be desensitized to it.

5-element Chinese medicine teaches unprocessed emotions are held in specific organs in the body.

With NET the organ and the stuck emotion are identified with muscle testing.

The Chiropractic Adjustment of the spinal levels that innervate the organs holding the stuck emotions, or tapping and breathwork is the treatment.

We think this allows new neural networks to form.

What Can Neuroemotional Technique (NET) Help With?

Neuroemotional technique (NET) can help us get out of stuck patterns of thought and behavior.

It works to release the emotional component of physical complaints, also.

Here are some examples of what neuroemotional technique (NET) can help with:

How to Prepare

Come to your Neuroemotional Technique session with curiosity and an open heart. This healing technique is not meant to blame anyone, but is intended to free you from old paradigms that are not allowing you to move forward in your life with joy and forgiveness.

What to Expect

Neuroemotional Technique uses manual muscle testing to determine if stressful emotions are held in the body.

If a stressful emotion is identified, Dr. Caroline Peterson will help to release that emotion by identifying the first time it became trapped in the body.

You will then recall what was going on for you at that time in your life and recall a triggering episode.

Then, using breath work and positive affirmations, you will release the stuck stressful emotion while the spine is adjusted.

In her randomized-controlled trial on using neuroemotional technique for pregnancy-related low back pain Dr. Caroline Peterson found there was no statistical difference among the benefits women received from exercise, chiropractic spinal manipulation, or neuroemotional technique. However, women in the neuroemotional technique arm of the study and their babies had fewer birth complications.