11-12 Million Adults in the US Have TMJ Pain

TMJ Pain is More Common in Women Than Men

What is TMD/Temporal Mandibular Joint Dysfunction (Sometimes called TMJ)?

Temporal Mandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMD) is pain in the jaw and the surrounding muscles.

The jaw is made out of the temporal bone in the head, and the mandible (the part that moves).

The temporal bone and the mandible are connected by a small disc (cushion).

TMJ is the name of the joint, but commonly people will call the pain condition TMJ.

There are actually 30 different conditions associated with TMD, but the big idea is that you have

  • Pain in the joint (one or both sides)
  • Pain in the chewing muscles (one or both sides)
  • Headaches that come from the jaw (one or both sides)

What Causes TMD?

Most of the time the cause of TMD is unclear.

Sometimes an injury can cause it.

Stress can definitely cause it.

But all the factors contributing to TMD are poorly understood.

How is TMD Treated Naturally?

Dr. Caroline Peterson begins by having you open and close your mouth, then swing the jaw from side to side as she places her fingers on your TMJ.

Next she will listen to your temporal bones by gently pulling your ears using craniosacral therapy.

This maneuver will tell her where to start the therapy.

There are many ways Dr. Caroline Peterson could treat your TMD.

  • Craniosacral therapy to head, jaw, mouth, hard palate, hyoid etc.
  • Myofascial release of the muscles of chewing or the structures in the throat
  • Adjusting the disc with the activator

Dr. Caroline Peterson will listen to your body and follow its guidance for which structures are involved in your jaw pain.

Sometimes You Need a Holistic Dentist

If Dr. Caroline Peterson finds there is possibly and infectious process, abscess, or other dental condition impacting the jaw pain, she will refer you to a holistic dentist for care of that component.