Try Conservative Care Before Surgery

Is Conservative Care a Good Option for Everyone?

Conservative care is not a good option for everyone.

Conservative care involves a lot of work.

If you choose to try conservative care to see if you can avoid surgery you should be prepared for

  • About 10-20 hours of passive manual hands-on therapy
  • About 1-2 hours of instruction on exercises, training in ergonomic movement patterns, postural retraining, and physiologic breathing practice
  • About 1-2 hours consulting on diet and lifestyle
  • Daily exercise and movement pattern practice at home
  • Change of some of your dietary habits, or supplements to improve the probability of success
  • New ways to care for your body on a regular basis, for instance using castor oil packs or dry brushing, or doing hydrotherapy.

If this approach sounds like a lot of work, you are right, it is.

Now, you need to decide if it is something you want to try or not.

Whatever you choose to do, do that approach as well as you can.